Demonstrably sustainable: BODY PRODUCTS issues DNK declaration
BODY PRODUCTS has made its first declaration in the database of the German Sustainability Code (DNK)
Our sustainability strategy focuses on stable supply chains and innovative products – we are already facing up to the challenges of tomorrow in order to remain a reliable partner for our customers. We have reached another milestone in our sustainability strategy by submitting the DNK declaration for 2022 to the German Sustainability Code (DNK) database and answering the 20 DNK sustainability criteria.
The DNK declaration summarises BODY PRODUCTS’ opportunities, challenges, goals and measures for sustainability and sets out our current and future efforts transparently and openly.
Our Sustainability Code Declaration 2022 is freely accessible to all interested parties via the Sustainability Code website and can be downloaded as a PDF file
The German Sustainability Code (GSC) – more than just a reporting standard
The Sustainability Code offers an initial introduction to sustainability reporting. Through regular reporting, the sustainability development of companies is presented transparently over time. To fulfil the Sustainability Code, interested companies submit a declaration on 20 Sustainability Code criteria and the supplementary non-financial performance indicators in the Sustainability Code database. Over 1,000 companies are now registered with the German Sustainability Code. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz praised the lively participation of companies on the occasion of the 1000th member company on 12 April 2023: “It is a great success that large and small companies are voluntarily and transparently reporting on their activities using the criteria of the German Sustainability Code. These companies are “pioneers of change”, they show how it’s done.”
Meeting tomorrow’s challenges today
BODY PRODUCTS is committed to acting as sustainably as possible in the interests of our environment and future generations.
However, implementing sustainable values is not easy, especially in the disposable hygiene products market segment.
For BODY PRODUCTS, issuing the DNK declaration is another important step towards professionalising and strengthening our commitment to sustainability.
The quality management team at BODY PRODUCTS, led by Ute Nauth, Head of Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs, was responsible for drawing up the well-founded Sustainability Code declaration: “For my team and me, sustainability is not just a passing fad, but the future. We are committed to doing everything we can to make the BODY PRODUCTS world a little more sustainable every day.”